The old look was a little outdated. The value proposition wasn’t clear. The cards used 50s style retro graphics to illustrate each product. And while we don’t doubt for a second that this homepage was subjected to regular user testing, we kind of get the impression that a fresh start was needed.

The new homepage is a breath of fresh air. The website is now fully responsive, so the content and elements resize automatically to fit the user’s display. The whole page is lighter – even the word count has dropped. The carousel is dropped in exchange for a smart, professional and inspiring illustration with graphics that change with a slight animation as is hovered over. Brave, bold and well executed.
No Matter What
All I do is design
I am a Vancouver based experienced graphic designer, photographer, and illustrator. I’m highly skilled in Web Design, Page Layout, and Proficient in Adobe CS (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, After Effect, Premier and Lightroom). I have strong artistic, typographic and layout skills with Bachelor and Master of Arts focused in Graphic Design.
In addition to my interest in graphic design, I’m a professional photographer, illustrator and active member of Federation of Canadian Artists.
Read MoreSkills
- Brand Development
- Editorial Design
- Typography
- Web Design
- UI/UX Design
- Motion Graphics
- WordPress
- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- After Effects
- Premier
- Lightroom
- XD
Familiar with:
- Flash
- Final Cut Pro
It’s time to take the hidden gems that lie within the heartbeat of your business.
My work encompasses graphics and identity, websites and UI/UX design, digital marketing and brand strategy, Image and video production. My strategy is unique. I’m the creator of the work and primary contact for every client. I believe a great design cannot happen without passion, intelligence and personal commitment, and is demonstrated by a portfolio that spans during many years and industries.
More Than Graphic Design
What I Do
UI/UX Design
It’s called design, it’s pronounced passion. It’s where science and art break even.
“The only time I feel alive is when I’m painting”, I illustrate to show my soul that I’m listening.
Skill in photography is not acquired by purchase, I don’t photograph with just a camera, I bring alive all the pictures that I’ve seen, all the books that I’ve read, all the music I’ve heard.
I shape clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness inside that holds whatever we want.